Saturday, March 24, 2012

Chasing cycling legends

Tuesday March 20: No spin class. Rode to work. Rode home 9.2 miles with av. speed of 13.8 mph.
Wednesday March 21: Rode to work. 9.2 miles, 28.4 max. Rode on the Trek.
Thursday March 22: Rode to spin class at the JCC, went to spin class with Andrew, rode home
Friday: Off day. Rode to Panera
Saturday: Rode 24.4 miles to Wenham and back. Ride time 1:48:00, 13.6 av. Rode on the steel Allez, max speed of 29, personal record on the bypass 1:54, av. speed of 24.5, 16th overall according to Strava. Met up with Lynda B.

I rode around Wenham and Beverly and managed to find Lynda B. after breakfast with the Cyclopaths at Beverly Airport. She, Steve Bob and I looped around Wenham on Larch Row, then headed toward Route 127 back to the bridge. While it was not a big challenge for Lynda, I was amazed that I arrived at the airport in time to meet up with the group after a frustrating morning trying to get my daughter at the passport. The U.S. Postal Service offers passports, but not at a time when it is convenient or possible for two working parents to get one for their children.

Hey Bill, Hey Dick, wait up!

On the way back on Lafayette Street I a saw two cyclists who looked like Bill Hamilton and Dick Tapply!

But they had already turned up Lafayette Street and I was waiting for the light to change by the Fire Department. I gave chase but they were way to fast. Halfway up Lafayette Hill, I gave up. I was on my heavy steel frame and I could not catch them. I headed down Humphrey Street and there they were, having looped around Old Salem Road. I caught up to them and yelled their names, but then I wasn't sure if I was mistaken. So I backed off. Now I will never know. Dick, Bill, if it was you, you looked in great form!


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